Friday, September 2, 2011

September 1, 2011

The peckish cats got me up exceptionally early, which is all right, as I feel oddly energized. Maybe it was the cosmopolitans last night, made by myself so they were sweet and invidious.

Whole raft of Facebook birthday greetings this AM. Made me smile. I guess that’s why one joins. My email address was hijacked by another social site, whose stupid name I forget, apparently sending out messages of friendship to everyone on my mailing list. Sent one to me asking me to be my friend. Pathetic. Anyway, I get all these sweet messages from people who must, on principle, decline, and I have to find a way to write back and say I never sought to be their friend, in that way, in the first place.

Circe the cat lies on the keyboard, making the whole right side hard to use. She doesn’t mind being bumped in the face at every keystroke.

Cecily’s osprey nest rode through the hurricane in Annapolis.

Call-backs last night. The kids were sweet. I wonder what they could have been thinking, so see me there. Unlike 28 years ago, I hadn’t been invited.

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