Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 14, 2011

A man from a radio station passed out roses to us as we sat in Starbuck’s. I wanted to pass mine on when I left. There was a woman standing at the checkout. She looked tired and sour, but she was pretty much the only choice, so I handed her my rose and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day” Her countenance changed instantly into something joyous and sunny. She said “thank you” as though I’d given her a kidney.

Watched the Grammys last night, as I had never done before in all their history. Spectacular. One of the best things I’d ever seen on TV. Operatic. I didn’t know a single one of the songs vying for the awards. DJ and I ate celery squirted with canned cheese.

Students make appointments with advisors and such during class times. What is more, the advisors and such let them.

Commissioned by the New York composer Jonathan David to write a piece for 9/11 remembrance, 2012. The instrumentation seems to be prepared piano and. . . well, junk–maybe like what was crushed under the mass of the falling buildings-- but my understanding of the event will deepen as the plans emerge.

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