Friday, December 24, 2010

December 23, 2010

Tiny snow, like salt, carried by the wind.

Harpist Grace Cloutier joined us for the Britten Ceremony of Carols, and at Avenue M for drinks afterwards. She is reinforcement for my judgment that, among professional artists, musicians tend to be the least temperamental, the least diva-ish. Her last and next gig are at Saint John the Divine, so our class quotient soars. To continue the thought above, musicians (along with, maybe, film-makers) have the greatest tendency to equate artistry with the fixing of mistakes. One really has very little to do with the other.

I think I need a rest from the things that annoy me. I probably annoy them just as much, and they need a rest from me.

Massive windstorm, during which only one bulb was torn from the spruce tree outside. I will take that as a sign.

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