Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 18, 2010

Russell and his friend Zach joined DJ and Kyle and me for Russell’s birthday dinner. It was sweet. The boys had such a wonderful time in their choruses and glee clubs at ETSU that this was their central topic of conversation. Money came from somewhere so that they could tour most of Europe. I tried to think of what was quite so monumental in my life. If there had been something of the like, I would not have spoken of it. Three of the five people at the table were professional musicians and the other two of us vehement amateurs, so music pervaded. We even barbershop harmonized for a few moments. Not surprisingly, barbershop seems to come naturally to the American ear. It was good to see such steadfastness between friends, and amazing to witness the unabashed qualities of Russell’s affections. His wife should have been present to drink in his praise of her. I sort of wished I were him. With a better job. J and L arrived later. J was drunk and toasted the chandelier.

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