Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 1, 2010

A productive morning drew me within one chapter of finishing Night, Sleep, and the Dreams of Lovers. Making sure to get to the Y in the morning is, once again, the savior of my days.

Made a foray to Jesse Israel’s and acquired a laburnum, a golden magnolia, and a red witch hazel. Planted the witch hazel between my living room window and Kelley’s porch, because of her fear for her privacy when the hemlocks came down. The laburnum had no evident roots, and fell right out of the pot when I was planting it. I went ahead with it, muttering growth spells and watering like mad.

Poetry in Voices of Israel. Short story in Blue Lake. Ordered a Toshiba laptop and received an HP. Guy spends a heap of dollars on a study to prove that cussing makes you feel better. Had a serious cold one night, bought all the necessary medicines for the next night; the cold was gone. I suppose a cure is a cure.

Yesterday’s rain flooded my studio. SS wrote and article for Mountain Xpress in which he gave me the epithet “much lauded.” I would have thought myself, if anything, notoriously under-lauded. . . . .

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