Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 3, 2009

Day of fair torment yesterday. The sickness got progressively worse, but broke in the dark of the morning. Now I’m exhausted. Also hungry, which is a good sign. Each attack is a little different. This didn’t seem to go into my legs, but brought on violent chills, that caused the muscles of my back to seize. Also, I was unable to stay awake longer than it took to change positions in the bed. Cool morning, the last day of summer school. I’m disoriented, trying to decide what I need to do first. Trying not to catch the bed in the corner of my eye, and lie down again.

Swerved on Edgewood to avoid a mole scampering across the road. Came into the kitchen to find Maud nose-to-nose with a mouse. I don’t think she knew exactly what to do. I let the mouse out the door, it probably still thanking the Mouse Zeus for delivery from a cat and a human both.

Still sick enough to wonder if I should go to Allison’s no-rehearsal rehearsal dinner.

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