Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 12, 2009

Went to Riverdance at the Gaiety. It was exactly as one anticipated. Walking home down Grafton, and then through Temple Bar, I was so happy,

Afternoon. New York. Ninth floor of the Paramount. Waiting for my room to be ready, I cruised the Lexington Avenue Street Fair and MOMA. The street fair is rhythmic, which is to say the same things are sold on each block, though by different people and in a slightly different order. Rested by the wall fountain, and then in the cool of the museum. Either the edge of my indignation has worn off, or the ridiculous things in MOMA are fun and funny this time, and not simply ridiculous. Stopped at Lunney’s for a beer, and met Rich, who told me where to stay when I go to Aruba, and how he left New York for a couple of years, but home is, after all, home. I zeroed in on Rich to see if I could make contacts in New York as easily as in Dublin, and the answer seems to be yes. Was frightened while landing at Kennedy. Don’t know why. Something in the prospect of the city spooked me. But two minutes on the street cured all, and put the Times Square grin on my face. Speaking of Times Square, part of it is now closed to traffic, and features a naked cowboy strumming a guitar. He’s a magnificent specimen. If my body looked like that I’d strut naked across Times Square, too. Tomorrow is the marathon with the Penguin Rep people. I don’t know what’s expected of me, but it looks like it will take all day.

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