Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 27, 2009

For the first time, I’m investing in a Broadway show. It’s Leslie Jordan’s My Trip Down the Pink Carpet, and Bruce was on me so much about it I gave in. I know hordes of people who are wild about Jordan and the sort of thing he does. Will Jones says he saw Jordan in Atlanta and he was “hilarious.” The budget seems modest enough that gaining expenses back is plausible. (I say that without having any idea what is plausible in this milieu and what isn’t) But the final allurement is to be part of the industry that I have– well, chosen to be part of. A kind of putting my money where my mouth is. I do wish it were something. . . more me. Shows that are more “me” did not ask. A point is not so much money that I would grieve if I lost it, so here goes. I use “point” as though I knew what it was before this afternoon, which I didn’t. Bruce was on me about this because he wanted me to be “part of the family.” Sweet. OK, I say I do.

Painted in the morning, began to research the Black Mountain play I promised to do and now have no idea how to begin.

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