Monday, June 1, 2009

May 27, 2009

I broke the ten minute mile on the cross-trainer at the Y this morning: 9.57. Nothing for somebody else: big deal for me. Discovered the Woodfin Y. Got Jason to join.

Saw a squirrel hit by a police cruiser. The animal got into the middle of the street and was confused, rushing from one wheel to the other, finally leaping straight up and colliding with the car’s grill. But afterwards the squirrel zoomed to the side of the road, no longer conflicted, perhaps whole and hale. The cruiser kept moving, oblivious to the drama under its wheels.

Fasting fills the day with brief naps and the naps with fantastic dreams.

The Beautiful Johanna has been chosen for a Catalyst slot at the beginning of January.

Birthday party for DJ at the Usual. Three tables were full of almost everyone I had invited. He said it was only the 2nd birthday cake he had ever had. A success, I think.

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