Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 2, 2009

Groundhog would see a shadow a mile long.

Overdid at the Y, feel that airy, shaky feeling that I have not experienced in a long time. It is a good feeling. Hope I can stay awake through the day.

A woman is writing a book about Blue Pond and, finding it mentioned in A Childhood in the Milky Way, has been asking me about it. It’s odd how much I remember about a place I only 2 or 3 times saw up close (though nearly every day from a distance), mostly from my mother’s recollection. It had apparently been meant as a playground for Goodyear employees. In my life it was never anything but a great bog, of mysteriously ill-repute, though you could see ducks and herons in the shadow of the rubber plant smokestacks.

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