Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 15, 2008

I’m trying to think it’s funny that the equity market takes a looping plunge and three or four of its biggest players sink just as I get into it.

Went to the Y without my membership, so, thwarted there, I came back and dug in my garden. This was in every way the right thing to do. I’m sweaty, filthy, happy, and whatever purplish mood was on me over the Chicago production has receded into the realm of I-can’t-do-anything-about-it. Planted ferns and a blazing white peony. Began digging the gardens out from the grassy neglect the catastrophic summer left them in. Let Merrill Lynch fall, my tree peonies will be a glory in May.

Bought a stuffed cat for my cats. They are unimpressed.

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