Monday, September 15, 2008

September 14, 2008

Summoned up the Anna Livia script just to check. Boy, Kevin chopped a lot out. Some of the lacunae may be attributable to the actors’ memories, but most not, and some knocked holes in the continuity of the plot or the web of the imagery, which I noticed in performance, and for which I needlessly blamed myself. Still, I think it was best to give him free rein. Mistakes from a collaborator are better than resentment from a collaborator. But some of the deletions were things I told him expressly to keep, with reasons for doing so. He agreed with me on the phone to humor me, then did what he pleased. He was a bit of a vandal after all.

Faced the sorrow of parting, in the airport, in my living room when I was finally home. I knew some people three days, and missed them, as though we were going to have a life together.

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