Monday, March 10, 2008

Obama and the Painters

March 10, 2008

Political dream. I was sitting at a large table having discussion with six or seven men. Barak Obama sat to my left. The others turned out to be eminent American painters from all eras– Copley and Peale and Singer Sargeant and Hartley and Trumbull and the like, a truth that was not immediately discernible, since they all wore modern clothes. I forget much of the discussion, but at one point one of the painters announced that he was selling some of his paintings to aid in financing Obama’s campaign, and immediately all the others joined in. I don’t know how such a sale was to be accomplished, but I was impressed to have a directly political dream (my first, I think), and one I choose to interpret as a message from the other world to support Obama because of his support (not yet announced or even asked about) for the arts. If I dream of Hillary among the poets tonight, I’ll be back to my old state of indecision.

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