Sunday, March 2, 2008

February 28, 2008

Snow, but not enough to cancel classes. Not feeling well, but how not well am I feeling? Enough to cancel classes and stay home? Almost, I think–but maybe not enough? I have far too much Midwestern responsibility in me to catch, as Lady Macbeth would say, the nearer way.

Hat rehearsal good last night, but with huge gaps in the lines, which I wasn’t used to from the first two shows. Something seems too easy about this one. Maybe it’s simply that we kept the set from being an issue every minute of every night. Maybe that there’s no need for the titanic, overawing individual performances so necessary to the other two.

I wish some people would receive a shock whenever they start to explain.

I wish I would receive a shock whenever I let something go because I’m too exhausted to explain.

Last night Maud and I watched a raccoon out on the porch, gleaning the sunflower seeds spilled when I filled the bird feeders. He looked so cold and bedraggled. I would have invited him in to cuddle with us, except for the conviction that it would not turn out well.

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