Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Brightest and Best


December 12, 2022

Clear morning. “There Is No Rose” at All Souls Sunday morning, then the 2nd helping of AVLGMC in the afternoon. The crowd was huge–about capacity– and our success was, I think, definitive. Joyful exercise to be singing. People weeping in the house during “Salvation is Created.” Me weeping during “Brightest and Best.” Lower level of drama than usual. Maybe that was part of our success. Came home and set up the Christmas tree, a rather odd and scraggly thing by day, but magical by night. Drank freezing vodka, fed Maud bits of ham, watched TV by Christmas light. 

Several people at the concert commented on how young and well I look. I say it’s better to look well than to feel well, so–

Easing now toward night. I walked a little along the Parkway, went to the Folk Art Center and bought a tree ornament in the shape of a banjo. 

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