Friday, November 18, 2022


November 17, 2022

Planted the peonies in the coldest weather in which I ever want to be working outside. 

The dehumidifier went out, which I knew because its terrible whining and rumbling was gone. After several attempts, a charming young man was sent. He stomped down into the basement and stomped up again saying “the power was off.” I felt so stupid I didn’t even check to see if it was actually on again (believe it or not, I had checked the power several times). Hours later, I realized it wasn’t, or had switched off again. Chapter 2 today, I hope. This has been the Year of Incompetent Professionals. The second guy I got at Clegg’s remembered me from the raccoon incident, and treated me like royalty. 

Pulled out of the Symphony concert because of the cold, or whatever it is. Its one remnant is that I sound like a frog croaking in a mineshaft. My disappointment is not boundless.

Cancelled my membership to, feeling that enthusiasm is one for which there is, at present, no time. 

Working through a play which is going well, but for which I cannot imagine a very large audience. Story of my life. 

Painting has been almost magical. 

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