Sunday, November 13, 2022



November 9, 2022

Bright autumn. The moon last night was indescribably bright and beautiful. 

Yesterday planted Madonna lilies and black lilies and black parrot tulips, emptying the last carton of fall bulbs. I think there’s still a rose coming through the mail, but when that is set, the fall planting is over for this year.

Have not turned on the radio, not sure I want to know the outcome of yesterday’s election. Have not heard the angelic host cry out, so perhaps there was not, after all, a Republican sweep. Cannot imagine how a person either moral or intelligent can cast a vote Republican, but that is a subject which, in general, cannot be broached. Something seems to balance and overcome dishonesty, treason, vote-tampering, insurrection, stupidity, malice, mendacity, the steely and ignorant will to end democracy in America, but I can’t figure out what. 

Boccherini on You Tube. The red wave didn’t happen. Given the darkness of the expectations, this can be regarded as a victory. Idiots nevertheless entering or clinging to statehouses and assemblies. 

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