Sunday, April 11, 2021



April 11, 2021

Delivery man brought my black lace elderberry, and I planted that outside the street fence. I had energy left to uproot more wild honeysuckle vine than I had uprooted in my life. Replanted petunias that were not taking to their pots. A man walking his dog offered to come by and spray poison the whole strip of land where I was pulling the vines. Politely I declined. 

Much work on the nature book. I felt a coolness on the top of my head, and wondered where the sudden draft had come from. I waved my hand up there, and dislodged a wasp whose wings had made the little wind.  Two days ago when I was hiking I stopped for a strange sound. After a few seconds I realized it was the sound of hair on my knuckle rubbing against a leaf. 

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