Sunday, December 13, 2020


December 13, 2020

Watched the end of the season’s Crown, whereupon Princess Margaret haunted my dreams. In the dreams she was witty and funny and overdressed. Also conceived the idea that I’d had a stroke. Apparently not, but I took an aspirin with morning coffee.   Linda called. I happened to be standing beside the land line or it wouldn’t have connected. It was she who’d sent the lovely binoculars that I couldn’t remember buying. Told her I’d already used them, which was true. May take them on the trail today. She outlined problems with the new Covid19 vaccine that I had never thought of and which are, for understandable reasons, downplayed by official sources. I’ll still get it when it’s available, for dying of Covid is worse and surer that the side effects she warned of. Younger people, though, who have long lives to suffer with complications, might think twice. 

Wrote on GB, then went to campus for the first time since I finished moving out of my office. Parked at the Reuter Center and found the wooded paths that snake around the considerable mountain on whose south side the campus lies. Pretty, crowded. Never once went while I worked below. 

I think this was my grandmother’s birthday. 

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