Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 13, 2016

Tragedies loomed but dissipated, so I guess I’ll call yesterday’s flight home uneventful but very long and very boring. Customs in Atlanta was almost empty, as were the TSA checkpoints. Almost not a challenge. As for flying fist class- I don’t know that I can ever return to coach. Watched a thousand documentaries, one on Peggy Guggenheim.

Cartons of bulbs when I got here, so I’ve driven myself into exhaustion getting about 1/3 of them planted and set to bed for the Darkness. The rest, maybe this weekend.

All my fish are gone out of the pond, all the big golden ones with names, Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Cyrus the Golden, Lao Tsue, Kung Fu Tsu. All of them gone. Some of the minnows are left. I think Minos is gone too. I don’t think this was natural. I don’t think it was an animal. I had a brief vision of it happening. It was twilight and my eyes were high off the ground, high as a man, higher than myself. It is discouraging. Sad.

I notice from my trip that never once was I afflicted by the plantar fasciitis that often makes my days hell. Better shoes? More walking? The influence of the holy Danube?

Bob Dylan is the Nobel laureate in Literature. I have through the long day made my peace with that.

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