Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 17, 2016

Jonathan asleep downstairs, Maud, evicted from her sleeping space, curled up on my foot. Family visitation yesterday, showing off the pond and the ravages of the flower-mowers. L looks better and happier than she ever has in her life. Barbecue lunch, much chit-chat, J and L a couple who seem perpetually to fulfill each other, each after a disastrous first marriage.  All came to see the show last night, as did Adam down from New York. Everyone says they liked it, and I suppose that is the truth. Last night was not my best performance, but there were no flubs, so I am content. Getting weary, though, and this afternoon’s matinee marks only the half way point. Late food and beer at a local Waynesville watering hole, which I am glad to know about. One of my former students works there, and she was gratifyingly enthusiastic about my presence.

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