Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27, 2015

Got ma’am-ed at the grocery store last night– odd, because I think I’d make a right hideous woman.
Only three in class last night. We talked & talked. Sam revealed that a copy of A Dream of Adonis is listen on Amazon for $2600. I therefore have a fortune in storage.
One of my Humanities students remarked, “You sure know your stuff.” I reflected on the fact that I do, and I may never be able to use that accumulated information–some of it outright wisdom–again. May be good for me, passing on to the next thing and all that, but I don’t think it’s good for the students, to be barred from a garden in full ripeness. I hate that little man. He should be widely hated on my behalf.
Up early and accomplished much. Still dark– which is a little disturbing.
Terrible hoarseness upon waking, despite the vaporizer.
Full days and nights to the threshold of Christmas. This relieves me, somehow: less occasion for introspection.
The cats watch from the windows as I tend to the trash. I need to assure them that their world is as mysterious to me as mine is to them.

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