Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19, 2013

Went to bed in rage, woke in mirth, with no idea of what happened in the night to turn things around. The day has spent its energies hammering me back down, though. Inspection for 51 revealed a whole lot of problems. They mostly sounded minor– and both Karen and the inspector agreed they were– but they have to be addressed, and I left the house discouraged, exhausted, no longer enthusiastic about the purchase. Returned home to find that the cleaning ladies had managed to flip the circuit breakers. Can’t even imagine how that happened. How did they clean house with no power? A guy from Hollywood wants me to invest in a film called The Stone Pony. Email about things still on my check list for the loan, and the spike of rage almost undid me. There’ s diligence, and then there’s self-indulgence and stupidity. I am almost literally, physically incapable of fulfilling tasks that I know to be redundant or irrelevant, and it’s going to be interesting to see how all these details unfold. I am one who will leave a cart of groceries if the line’s too long.  They do not understand how easily I’d bid the dumbass process behind and just live in this house forever, which I was at one time resigned to doing. Played with Stuart’s dogs. Excellent exercise. The cats, in contrast, are forever tempting one to nap. Concert in three hours. I’ve practiced, but the distraction from other sides are so great that nothing sticks.

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