Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

At my prodding, Akron U Press seems willing to allow A Childhood in the Milky Way to be an e-book. Exceeding good news.

Enough snow to close school but not enough to impede activities very much. The porch was overrun with birds this morning, just about every local species seeking the one source of seed yet above the snow. I enjoyed going out in it for my morning coffee. I say “my morning coffee” as if it were a tradition. I actually sit and have a quiet hot drink maybe once every fortnight. The café was full of snowy people, men chatting together, fathers taking daughters out to breakfast on a day of closed schools. The owner was present, so the café muzak was light classical rather than gawdawful cheeseball jazz; one takes every occasion for gratitude.

Playcafe, a theater group in Massachusetts, will be taping “16th and Curtis” in May.

Remains of gigantic arctic camels found on Ellesmere Island. We are to imagine them wandering through the boreal forests in a lull between the ices. I do imagine exactly that.

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