Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013

Kadisha struck a table with a tankard last night, and the sudden, hard sound went into my right ear like a bullet. Surprising discomfort through the night.

Call from SJB, asking for more cuts while asserting that the script is perfect as it is. Don’t know what to do with that. He blames the producers, but producers will say “it’s too long” with the airy insouciance of those who have no responsibility either for the task or the outcome. The script, like a piece of silk, as it is will be irreparably damaged by the cutting, though I suppose a different kind of script might emerge. Forty minutes can be taken out of the script by fiddling with the music, but SJB is musical himself and loves the music. Stomach and ear are bad this morning, or I might consider this in better grace.

Nathan thanked me for joining the cast, and said it made it all more fun. I was grateful he thought so. I said that I was 49% glad that I signed on, and 51% regretful. That’s about right.

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