Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2, 2012

Sweeping thunderstorms last night, and a sweet light drizzle when I awoke. Won’t have to water today, anyway.

Surprised by how many mistakes I made in our first “off book” rehearsal for Denver.

Kevin the frog croaks and bellows into the moist air.

If their own statements on the Internet are to be believed, everyone who opposes Obama’s health care package is either 1) deeply stupid, or 2) wickedly invested in the predatory aspects of the present health care system, or 3) so hysterically opposed to the President that they would repeal oxygen if they though it did him good. The problem is that Americans are no longer embarrassed by being stupid (perhaps we never were). Making sense, basing arguments on facts, being reasonable are varieties of elitism which the real American eschews.

Determined to conquer pie crust. Some success, in that the crust itself was acceptable, though I don’t know how efficiently to get the crust off the wax paper and into the dish without its sticking or falling apart. More flour, I guess. Baked two zucchini pies in the acceptable crusts. Forgot the milk, but I can’t see that the pies are any worse for it; maybe better, spicier, more body. Took one of them to my secretary.

Agitated, energized today, without specific cause.

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