Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012

Cannot lift my left arm. If I want to type, I have to lift it with my right hand and set it on the desk before the keyboard. Wrenched it while loading the new city recycling bins onto my truck. The delivery guy refused to bring them around back, where the recycling is actually picked up, because “I have to see the house number for each bin. Are the house numbers visible from the back?” I observed that they were all identical and it was difficult to see why it was important to be so precise, but, orders are orders. So I loaded ours and our immediate neighbors’, and while I was pushing on them to make them fit in the truck bed, the arm went south. Luckily, it doesn’t hurt unless I try to use it.

Reading Strack in NC Stage’s Amadeus at Malaprop’s. I don’t remember who Strack is, so it will all be an adventure.

Cherished yesterday for gardening and painting, but instead spent most of it ferreting out information about stock trades for my tax lady, information which the trading companies could effortlessly have included, but did not because “we are not required to do so.” The fact is they ARE required to do so after a certain point, but were punctilious in observing that requirement and not one instant more. The actual research was interesting, and tamped down the fury which would otherwise have been debilitating.

Lilies shooting up from the bottom of the water gardens.

Smiley i-mails from BH. Guess new York is really on.

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