Sunday, June 26, 2011

Toward London

June 20, 2011

Asheville airport. Half an hour before I was to leave for the airport, I discovered that the entire folder “Novels” had disappeared from my computer.. Every novel I had ever written is gone. The folder was not in the trash bin, so I had not deleted it accidentally. I looked in every other folder to see if I had moved it (unconsciously) somewhere else. Nothing. All my novels are gone, and the AWP judge wanting on email for me to send yet another version of Riding Fun House. So, I turn to Carbonite, but Carbonite had already backed up for the day, and backed up a documents list without the novels. I am utterly lost and annihilated, and already on the road, so if I think of a possible solution, that solution cannot be tried. The Lord is mighty indeed.

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