Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011

The first waterlily is deep pink. This is a singular blessedness. Yellow and deep purple hollyhocks. The first blooms of acanthus, after years of trying.

Excellent workout at the Y. My lethargy is cured.

Maybe because of the heat today I thought of something I forgot to mention about the flight home from Italy. Far off the coast of Labrador we saw icebergs, several of them immense. It’s hard to get perspective when something is floating in the middle of the sea, but I would say one was the size of Manhattan. There were many icebergs, and then there was a coast all ice and stone, beautiful, inhospitable.

Florence has become the city of dreams. I don’t think one night this week has gone by without a dream set in it, and today I finished a painting where it is a city seen in dreams. Logan remarked that they survive in the glassblowing workshop only by each having a fan aimed up their pant leg.

As to sin, they invented it, to implement domination.
Ezra Pound

Someone is singing on the street in the giant darkness.

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