Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 30, 2011

Memorial Day. Sweet summer. Everything in the garden is as tall as I. The scarlet poppies bloom at my nipples. Two wonderful surprises at morning inspection: first, that the expensive Japanese cobra lily did indeed germinate and now puts forth a cup of creamy white; and second, that the angel’s trumpet did reseed itself. There’s a tangle of infants at the rim of the terrace, which I have not yet developed the cold-bloodedness to thin.

Picnic and J & L’s, with the usual suspects. Mild yet inexplicable panic sitting there among durable friends. What was with that? Part of it was M, of whom I was weary unto death, who seemed to have gone away but never quite goes away. Those you love pass through for a season and disappear. Those you endure, endure.

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