Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Wandered to the Usual last night for a drink, met up with Carly, Thomas B, Cody, Beau, and the girl whose name is a proper noun. Cody plays so much with is hair and beard that one forgets his classic American symmetrical handsomeness. Some nights there I know everyone, some night, no one. Last night it was everyone.

Bluster of thunder off in the north, but we’re still awaiting the blessed rain.

I think the novel’s title is The Riding Funhouse Home. It sounds awkward, but if I can get used to the awkward sound, the meaning is apt.

The rain came at last. I sit here deep in the night, making up a story to justify the made-up stories.

1 comment:

One of Your Many Fans said...

"The Riding Funhouse Home" is a great title! Please let us have a little taste of what it's about. When will it be published? Will you give some readings, maybe at Malaprops?