Friday, April 30, 2010

April 29, 2010

We opened Hamlet at the Wortham last night. I think Adam’s and my scenes went well, but I have no sense of the rest, except that it seemed endless, the longest play that ever was in the history of the world. I would sit in a chair backstage, nod off into sleep, wake up and the play would, incredibly, still be going on.

But when I left the theater, not that long before midnight, the full moon was riding the south between the Jackson Building and City Hall. I stood and stared at it a long time.

Dream based no doubt on the brouhaha surrounding the visit of the President to Asheviile at the beginning of the week. I dreamed that Barack Obama and I were team-teaching a drama course, in a series of tents in an open field. Everything was made more difficult because I had to go through the Secret Service all the time in order to confer with him. In the dream the President was very tall.

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