Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010

Dreams of a straightforward, prolonged sexual nature, without any symbolic content at all. I’m used to this and that being a symbol for sex, but can sex be a symbol for something else? I don’t know what. Well-being, perhaps. In any case, I seem to be very excited about my trip to New York.

Montford Park’s The Importance of Being Earnest at the egregious Art Center last night. It was surely directed, expertly acted, exquisitely done. Though clearly not the best play, it may be the best production I’ve seen by Montford Park. The shambles of the venue may have helped the production, actually, for all that archness and wit in a setting of appropriate grandeur begins to seem. . . well. . . evil. Where it is, is seems but good fun, a youthful jeux d-esprit. Scott and Trinity were flawless. Jason’s direction was exactly right for the space and the players.

One tree peony is in bloom, hugely, a green sky with five pinkish moons.

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