Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 13, 2009

Peopled preview last night. Other, better-sighted cast members reeled off the names of attendees, and it was a great chunk of the theater gang, one’s best and hardest audience. How they felt I don’t know yet, but I felt it was a good performance, not the best in every aspect, but in the main better than one would have expected a week ago. I’m having more fun backstage than I ever had before, laughing and joking with the convivial cast, so much so that my exhaustion heading home comes as much from hilarity as anything happening on stage.

Murphy finished off the pile of seeds last night. I saw nothing. Heard nothing. The world was my bed.

Afternoon: declining light, gathering stuff together for the show. Today has been a strange one. Woke tired, and went to the gym for a workout, which nearly always wakes me up. It didn’t wake me up, so I assumed real exhaustion, and spent as much of the day as I could napping with the cats. Feel almost human now. Could use another nap.

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