Friday, November 13, 2009

November 11, 2009

Bless all Veterans.

This looks to be the first year in my life when I will not set foot in Ohio.

This is the first time I have experienced a President younger than myself.

This is the first time when I can trust that my perceptions and analyses of my past life are true and accurate. A cloud of something has dispersed. Perhaps hope. I can no longer hope that I might turn out to be something other than what I am.

Last night’s Hamlet rehearsal was three hours long, and then some. It had fine moments. We laughed backstage between our scenes at wanton butchery of other lines from Shakespeare. A is having projection problems, but maybe he is saving himself for the real thing. Tonight is the last rehearsal before tomorrow night’s preview, to which I have invited a multitude. Driving in the rain would be dreary without JW as a passenger. Neither of us is talkative, but that doesn’t matter so much. He was eating a pomegranate, which lasted him all night.

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