Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 15, 2009

Becky died this morning.

Bishop Gene Robinson spoke at both services this morning. He is small, jolly, confiding, humorous, and doesn’t have the look about him of one at the center of the great schism of modern times. Of course I have been on his side the whole time, but I did wonder how he made up his mind how much trouble was too much trouble, how he decided to persevere rather than to bow gracefully out when so much seemed to hang in the balance. He preached on Christ and the moneychangers, and made clear that he thought you were failing the world if you didn’t irritate the world, at least a little bit. He is a true image of valor. He also may be the most famous person I have met in a long time. A number of people remarked that he and I resemble one another physically.

Willy Repolay was there with his truly miraculously tiny baby in a fuzzy apparatus against his chest: Fatherhood in an allegory.

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