Sunday, January 19, 2025

 January 18, 2025

Sat on my porch in the afternoon sun. Led to cleansing. Also a finished crossword. 

Porch sitting becomes complicated. The couple– especially the man–at 52 Lakeshore are dedicated porch sitters, and their front porch looks directly at the western side of my house. Not an issue in summer when the leaves are on, but in leafless seasons they have a direct view into my bathroom, with the toilet right up against the window. Again, during the day this is probably not a problem, but when the bathroom light is on, I’m lit up like a Broadway stage. I could close the blinds, but I love looking out into that bit of garden. I’m also paranoid about ruining the blinds by pulling them up and down too often. I tell myself that if they don’t want to see, they’ll look away– but is that fair? Should I influence their porch-sitting time in that way? At night I’ve looked from my toilet seat at his shadow scurrying into the house. Did he catch a chill, or was it because of me? Decided to pretend I never thought of this, and allow them to choose their reaction, look or look away. 

Napping, I was sure Circe lay against me. I made certain not to move, so as not to disturb her. 

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