Thursday, January 14, 2021



January 14, 2021

Purcell on the CD, one of his silliest. Wrote until it was possible to stand the cold, then drove to the HT trailhead, but parked in a new place, tried a couple of new trails, one of them quite beautiful. The beautiful one includes the place where there were baying dogs and firing rifles. Plenty of tracks in the mud, but all other traces of that event are lost. One appreciates the quiet and majesty of the forest, but there is more actual wildlife in my yard than in the thousand acres of woods I must have grazed today. I heard nuthatches and saw a titmouse. There would have been more had I gone to the lake, but when I reached the crossroads, too many people were heading that way. Contemplate the fact that, usually, I see and relate to more people on the trail than I did in my studio, which was open to all and craved visitors. What a strange idea all that was! Last night I was trying to dream the next chapter of my book.

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