Saturday, June 15, 2019

June 15, 2019

Indecisive day, half dark, half fire. Short time in the studio. Finished one thing and had no will to start another. 

Opening of In the Assassins’ Garden last night spectacular, joy-making, unexpected, quite the most successful first night I have had in Asheville. It’s rare for me to leave opening night completely satisfied, but so I did, not merely satisfied, but in wonderment at some of the touches which I had not expected, which I would have warned against had they been explained to me beforehand, by which I was finally enchanted. The play is much more political than I thought it was when I wrote it. I’ll once again acquire a reputation which I do not fully deserve. Talked briefly to AW in the lobby (he did not attend the play), which, in terms of the sweetening of old bitterness, was as pleasing as the performance. I’m told I left before they toasted me with champagne. Going back to the theater tonight for some sort of interview.

Drawing up old play files. I’m easily discouraged, apparently. A snotty rejection or an unexpected rejection and I let the play languish. Some of those I looked at today, and they are all better than I remember them, but also studded with curious typos..

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