Saturday, January 7, 2017

January 6, 2017

Epiphany. I’ll expect some great revelation all through the day. The tree came down, the ornaments packed away in–this is curious–significantly fewer boxes than they came out of. The tree itself stands still erect on the back porch. I wanted to give it at least a day in the air. It looks quite natural and newly, austerely beautiful under yesterday’s coating of snow. Bought nasty ham and threw it to the crows. Maud presses against the window and watches, probably glad her valor is not tested on animals bigger than she.  My Froggy the Gremlin squeeze toy arrived in the mail. I was hoping for more. Watching out the window for the Magi. If I saw them I would follow them, as I have, in my life, anyone who seemed even vaguely wise.

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