Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 17, 2016

Party at the Gs last night, in part of the town where I never go, so there was a lot of driving around in the dark squinting at addresses. Met a throng of fascinating people, most of whom I did not know. One explained how to make mead; one starred with Dolly Parton in a TV movie;  one studied the making of tablas in one town in North India, and now is a dissertation editor; one is head of publicity for Asheville, and reveals that Lonely Planet has named Asheville the Destination of the Year for 2017. I pretended to think that an unalloyedly wonderful thing. C’s interests are evolving and eclectic, and the wide variety of guests often had nothing in common but having met him at some point in his journey.

There are times when I cannot even speak, and singing is a distant improbability.

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