Monday, November 28, 2016

November 27, 2016

From Jon David’s online news letter:

And about that commission… It’s for the Atlanta Young Singers, Paige Mathis, Music Director.
Hic Sunt Dracones [“Here Be Dragons” (Thanks to Steven Sametz for the title)] is based on a text, also newly commissioned, by award-winning poet, David Hopes, like me, a NC resident. It is set for 60-voice treble chorus, solo male trio, and solo contrabass. The piece blends elements of scat singing, horror movie tropes, and extended vocal techniques, all over a slightly perverse ground bass. The premiere will be in Atlanta in May, 2017.

The nerves in my left foot began last night to read cold as wet. There’s always something new.

David and Daniel had a contest whereby the weighed themselves before and after Thanksgiving dinner to see who consumed the most. Daniel won by taking in more than seven pounds.

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