Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 14, 2016

Valentine’s Day. I sent Joseph flowers at his work when I lived on Edwinn Place. That was the last time. Sigh.
Sorry that Scalia is dead. Not sorry is backward voice is gone from the Court.
Dreary run of day. Have not lifted pen to paper, having no project and no energy to invent one, baffled by the question of what the world wants to see from me.
Vivid sudden memories. I left my father’s high school ring in Maeve’s cairn atop Knocknarea. I left a ring my mother bought me on a stone in the middle of a small lake in Connemara. I dropped the Saint Brendan necklace I’d been wearing for years into the waters of Lough Corrib. All to be part of something eternal..

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