Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015

Set the wrong foot down on leaving bed, and the morning has been, so far, odd.
Received the DVD of Washington Place from GPTC on the same day it opens at the Magnetic. Forgot to buy flowers for the opening. Maybe chocolate is better.
All Souls choir expanded since I left it for the stage. I still have the only low D.
Pissed off at an editor for admiring and admiring my poems and then not taking one. He should trust my judgment rather than his own. Really. I’d say that to his face. Follow me where I am going. Someone.
Great quantity of bread strewn on the yard for the crows.
My yard guy stood on the porch yesterday, considering with me as to whether the lawn needed mowing. We agreed that it did not. But I longed for him in a way that was beyond physical; it was metaphysical, puzzling– unassuageable.
Indian ragas on Pandora.

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