Thursday, June 13, 2013

London 3

June 12, 2013

Hiked to Wigmore Hall last night to hear the Academy of Academy Music in a program called Handel in Italy, which was largely Handel’s Clori, Tirsi, e Fileno:  two sopranos and a contralto (two of them supposed to be men) out-singing one another, with moments of such exquisite beauty you wonder why music ever bothered progress past the perfect Handel. At other times there was a sameness which lulled me into slumbers, in which there was an opera, but on a complete different subject. Each time I woke I compared the two, and wondered at the pervasive dissimilarity. The ten year old named Diego beside me was absolutely silent through it all. Walking home I took a different route than normal, and saw a fox in Bloomsbury Square. He looked about insouciantly, pointed his fine paws and headed toward the British Museum. The best sight yet.

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