Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 26, 2011

Addressed yesterday’s self-dissatisfied observations with a whirlwind of activity. Got online before dawn, and found an eager middle aged guy from Weaverville to clean out the gutters on both houses, stacking the debris neatly (I don’t know how he did it, actually) so that it can be shoveled as compost onto the flowers. Took my Cambridge receipts to UNCA for the money people to fuss over. Got a couple of estimates on my bit of painting. I took the one which was $180 less than the other (how can that be?) offered by a man with a German name who, nevertheless, speaks Spanish, and had his teenaged son along to translate. Both were fascinated by DJ’s fish. My cell phone was dead and because my provider’s store was no longer where I thought it would be, I bought a completely new system from a new provider– the rep who worked with me had one arm torn off below the elbow. This morning I feel at once fulfilled and superficial, having achieved much, but all of a daily chores variety. Did some writing on the windows masque, but got on to other things when I realized I was close to seeing the end.

Meeting with BG this afternoon concerning Vance. Came away with the perception that historians often misremember history.

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