Friday, July 23, 2010

July 21, 2010

US Air made sure the last leg of the flight from Dublin was drawn out unnecessarily, compounding incompetence with dishonesty. I could have driven home from Charlotte four times in the time I spent hearing the evolving fib about what had happened to our plane. But, home I am. It is fiercely hot, in the absolute sense, but certainly compared to a place where I never went out without a jacket. Arrived at midnight, did laundry, paid bills, lay down but couldn’t sleep, was up again at 3:30. It is still before noon, and I’ve had a full day. When I got home I was literally sick with exhaustion; maybe this wakeful restlessness is still a symptom of it. Coffee with Tom. Gave August his Union Jack t-shirt. Filled the hummingbird feeders. Glanced at the garden, to see it is not beyond repair. The moonflowers, in fact, seem to have become quite predatory. Plowed through the mail, no disasters, only one bill that will be late, some good news from agents. I get an astonishing number of catalogues.

First purchase on the ground in Philadelphia?: iced tea.

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