Monday, December 28, 2009

December 21, 2009

Tried moments ago to move my car on the ice. It didn’t budge. Not an inch. It didn’t even bother to spin its wheels. Must be some sort of Prius thing not to try too hard. I was frantic to keep a date with J, but when I called to make my excuses, he was asleep, so nothing was lost.

Moments ago finished End Time. By my calculation The Falls of the Wyona, End Time, Earthly Power, The Stolen Child, and Michael Furey are all products of 2009, among major pieces. God knows how many poems, occasional pieces. Those Brilliant Creatures, Coyote, Speaking of Merle Oberon, Gatwick and probably others among one-acts. Some guy (whose blog also appears in Hindi) blogs that he read The Handsomest Man in the World. I wonder how?

The dark solstice. Moon a bent blade in flat blue.

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