Friday, September 4, 2009

September 2, 2009

Great scarlet star of the swamp hibiscus presides seven feet above the ground.

A small, happy group gathered at the Usual last night for drinks and cake. I made the group as eclectic as I could, knowing that J was wary of the daunting “procession of gays.”

Tried to go to the yoga class at the Woodfin Y this morning. I was there in plenty of time, but the procession of very thin women with very grim and determined expressions on their faces shied me off. They had hardened and sharpened themselves to by gawd get to that class, which is a contradiction, but not one I was willing to sink into the midst of just today. There may have been room for one more mat on the wooden floor, but I think I need more combative energy and more cheekbone to earn a place.

Liriope a purple gleam in the backyard shade.

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