Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 5, 2008

OJ Simpson is sentenced to prison. Unless he lives to be a very old man (or unless there are appeals possibilities the gloating headlines do not mention) he will never see the outside again. This is an early Christmas present for those who want to believe that the wheels are karma never falter, however they may be delayed.

Returned to DG. He is the chatterbox that he ever was, but it is probable that affection will, from this time forward, overlook that. His hair is thin and he has the sat-on look of the married man.

Dan-o stood at my back door deciding whether to knock or not. I went out to him before he made up his mind. He totaled his last car and has a new one which looks about the same–dim gray instead of dim green, an old man’s car. He is broke as usual, gaunter than before. He has the look of one whose apartment is always cold. He clings to his ratty ponytail even after admitting that has kept him from a couple of jobs. His new girlfriend says she won’t get serious until he has a full time job. His chatter was frightening and unbalanced, as it ever was. I missed him. I was happy to be with him. I was glad when he went away.

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